לוגו בית לחם יהודה

About the Organization

Beit Lechem Yehuda – 100% Charity

Beit Lechem Yehuda Association: supplying nutrition to 100,000 needy people Monthly, Rescuing Food on a Grand Scale

We deliver life-sustaining food baskets to approximately 100,000 individuals every month, reaching 13,000 families. Most of our food donations are generously provided by factories and companies, with monetary contributions covering our operational expenses, including salaries, truck maintenance, driver salaries, logistics management, and supplier acquisition.

Streamlining Operations for Enhanced Impact

Our current logistical center in Petah Tikva, spanning 480 square meters, is no longer adequate to handle the growing volume of food we receive and distribute.

Food Rescue: A Mission to Reduce Waste and supplying nutrition to the Needy

We are committed to rescuing wholesale quantities of food from going to waste. This rescued food is carefully processed and distributed in our food baskets.

Expanding Our Reach: A Vision for Greater Impact

Limited storage capacity sometimes forces us to decline food donations. To address this issue and expand our reach, we have secured land from the municipality of Elad to build a new 1,000-square-meter logistical center.

With your generous support, we can build this new center, doubling our capacity to serve those in need. This expansion will not only increase storage and logistics capabilities but also reduce rental and leasing costs, enabling us to extend our support to at least 26,000 families, reaching approximately 200,000 individuals weekly.

Unity in Action: Israelis Helping Israelis

Amidst the challenges facing Israeli society, Beit Lechem Yehuda Association stands as a beacon of unity. We embody the Jewish values of giving and compassion, catering to those in need across all segments of Israeli society. Our unwavering dedication has led to the establishment of a robust organizational infrastructure solely dedicated to supporting the most vulnerable members of our community.

Join Us in Shaping a Caring Society

We seek cross-sector collaborations to amplify our impact and foster a more caring society. Together, we can influence social discourse, demonstrate corporate responsibility, and embody genuine Israeli support.

About Us: A Legacy of Compassion

Beit Lechem Yehuda Association was founded in 2013 to provide essential assistance to families in distress, widows, orphans, single parents, disabled individuals, and the elderly. We began by distributing the most basic necessities – bread and milk – and have since expanded our scope to include rescuing food and distributing a wide range of products, including fruits, vegetables, dry food, dairy products, baby supplies, and household items. These efforts are made possible through our partnerships with companies, factories, and farms across Israel.

Distribution Network: Reaching Every Corner of Israel

Our organization's dedicated team travels across Israel daily, collecting tons of food donated by generous companies. This food is transported using our refrigerated trucks and managed by our experienced logistics team. Upon arrival at our logistical center in Petah Tikva, the food undergoes sorting, repackaging, and preparation for delivery to distribution points.

By expanding our donor base, we can further enhance our impact and reach every individual in need. We call on all Israelis, regardless of religious or political affiliation, to join hands in supporting our mission to provide equitable assistance to all sectors of society.

Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of those who need it most.

main – Beit Lechem Yehuda (bly.org.il)

מכתב תודה מארגון נפגעי פעולות איבה
We are the Beit Lechem Yehuda organization, which provides assistance to those in need in Israel. We help a wide spectrum of Israeli society in their daily lives
However, in this challenging and critical time that has befallen Israel, we need assistance more than ever. Unfortunately, most of the resources are directed towards other urgent needs, leaving hungry people in Israel hungry.
In times of this harsh conflict, their plight becomes even more acute. We are requesting your collaboration to join us in making a donation so that we can provide aid to those who are hungry. In Israel, there are children who go to bed with empty stomachs because they lack the means.